ODK Province X

Purpose of this site is to inform Omicron Delta Kappa Members about the happenings within Province X and at the National Level. Province X consists of 21 Universities and Colleges throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and Southern Indiana.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Province X Conference - Feb 12, 2005

ODK Bi-Annual Province X Conference
"Developing the Leaders of the Future"

When: Saturday, February 12, 2005
Time: 9 am - 4 pm
Where: Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN

Why should you attend:
It's FREE.
Become the next Student Province Director
Meet National ODK Leaders and Officers
Learn from others in attendance.

Registration Deadline:
Please email Robin Murphey, rmurphe0@hotmail.com by Dec 15, 2004 with preliminary attendance information. Please include circle name, number of participants, and main contact's information (Address, Email, and Phone Number).

Additional Information:
- Philanthropy Project
o We will again be collecting children's books at conference to give to a local charity in Clarksville, TN. Not only is each participant encouraged to bring a children's book to conference, we encourage each individual circle to conduct a book drive on their campus for a local charity. At conference, we will tally up the number of books collected on each campus. The Circle with the highest number of books collected this school year will receive a prize at conference.

- Conference is Free
o Conference is free to all participants with the help of the province budget. If we have overwhelming response to the conference, we may have to add a small fee to help pay for breakfast and lunch. We will inform the main contact for each circle about any price changes.

- Election of Student Province Director
o Every year a new Student Province Director is elected to server from point of election until the next Province Conference or National Convention. If any of your students are interested, please make sure that they are registered and in attendance at the conference on February 12. Please feel free to contact Mary Kathyrn Cash, the current Student Province Director at mary.cash@murraystate.edu, if you have any questions regarding this position.

- T-Shirt Swap
o All participants are encouraged to bring a T-Shirt (Large/X-Large) from their University/College to swap with other participants. Only those bringing t-shirts for swap will be allowed to participate in the swap.

Look forward to seeing someone from every circle on February 12 at Province X Conference.