ODK Province X

Purpose of this site is to inform Omicron Delta Kappa Members about the happenings within Province X and at the National Level. Province X consists of 21 Universities and Colleges throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and Southern Indiana.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Congrats to Robert W. Bishop Faculty Advisor Award recipient Jane Hall!

The excellent leadership within Province X continues to shine forth as Jane Hall, faculty advisor for the Murray State University Circle, was awarded the 2005 Robert W. Bishop Faculty Advisor Award. The Bishop Faculty Adviser Award is awarded annually for outstanding service to the local circle and to the Society. Jane has served 11 years as the faculty advisor of the Murray State Circle and received the Province X Faculty Advisor Award for 2004. Jane once again was chosen as the recipient of the Province X Faculty Advisor Award for 2005 and subsequently received the Bishop Award for the entire Society. Province X congratulates Mrs. Hall on this prestigious honor!

(Article provided by Mary Kathryn Cash, Murray State University ODK Circle President)